Officers & Directors
Pursuant to the FBC-LEO Bylaws, the FBC-LEO Board of Directors consists of thirteen members.
They include the President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant Secretary, Assistant Treasurer, Parliamentarian, Historian, Chaplain, Sergeant-at-Arms, Regional Coordinator and the Immediate Past President.
Officers and Directors are elected each year at the Annual Membership Meeting by FBC-LEO’s Regular (Voting) Members

Justin Campbell
City of Palatka

Jessica Davis
1st Vice President
City of DeLand

Curtis Johnson
2nd Vice President
City of Fort Pierce

Melissa P. Dunn
City of Lauderhill

Rufus Borom
Assistant Secretary
City of Palatka

Alexander Smith
City of Apopka

Darfeness Hinds
Assistant Treasurer
City of Williston

NanDrycka King Albert
Regional Coordinator – North
City of Midway

Veronica Edwards Phillips
Regional Coordinator – South
City of Lauderdale Lakes

John Taylor
City of Opa-Locka

Felicia Brunson
City of West Park

Dianne Williams-Cox
City of Tallahassee

Morris West
Immediate Past President
City of Haines City